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Student Template
(Preferred Pronoun)

This is your About You space. It's a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you study, your interests, etc. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors. Feel free to link out here to your personal ePortfolio or your professional networking websites (ex. LinkedIN).


Add a representative image of you or your interests to the left.

Pre-Travel Analysis

You will use this space to complete a component of the Pre-Travel Organizational Analysis assignment.

Peer Engagement

If you and your peer agree to share your discussion, please share your recording here with an introduction paragraph to give context to the organizations and artifacts you analyzed.


If you both opt to not share your discussion publicly, you may share 2-3 overall themes discussed in your analysis and peer review. (200 words.)


Post-Travel Reflection

You will use this space to complete a component of the Final Project covering your Post-Travel Reflection.

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